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most visited index pages, in order of popularity were:
extra statistical info:
The information below shows us the top 10 entry, and exit
pages for www.tearoha-info.co.nz.
As expected the index page ranks No. 1 and also, not surprisingly
includes our top sites and indexes. The exit pages are
an indication that the visitor has found what they are
looking for and exited via that page. It is good to see
that 32.08% of visitors arrive via the index page, but
only 11.82% leave via that page ... an indication that
many visitors may have gone on to find what they want!
(You can visit these sites by clicking on the links
Should They Buy From You?
A website must communicate confidence
to meet a potential customer's needs and to successfully
persuade. Another element, less obvious but no less critical,
is value. Not just value offered to customers but also
values regarding you: who you are and why you're in business.
When a brand conveys its core values,
it creates a foundation for communicating trust, credibility,
and confidence.
Core values can be identified as "meta-needs."
These needs can't be permanently satiated. Esteem, love,
safety, and physiological needs aren't perceived as needs
once they're satisfied, just as hunger isn't felt once
the need is met. Meta-needs are never completely filled.
Meta-needs can include truth, goodness, beauty, unity,
wholeness, aliveness, uniqueness, perfection, necessity,
completion, justice, order, simplicity, effortlessness,
playfulness, self-sufficiency, meaningfulness and so the
list goes on. People spend their lives in search of peak
experiences to achieve self-actualisation - understanding
motivations and needs is fundamental for persuasion. For
example you would be more successful motivating a dog
with meet than a carrot … so let’s explore
why people buy.
Consumer Meta-Needs
Everything that can be sold falls
into one or more category. You can sell stuff, provide
a service, supply information, or entertain. Doing business
requires understanding who needs your products and why
they'd choose you. Why should a customer choose your company
or product? Who would the product appeal to?
point. The customer has a need, your company
supplies a solution at a lower price. This approach works
for commodities, such as those found in grocery stores.
Brand name. Selling a product or service
that lends prestige to the customer is target-specific
snob appeal. A car such as a Maserati is a prestige purchase,
an exercise in affordable affluence. If the customer loves
the idea of a Mercedes, he won't seek a Skoda.
Convenience. Providing something that
consumers already require or use, such as a lawn mowing
service, rather than the customer mowing his own lawn.
They have the service or function but want to save time
or eliminate hassle. Convenience isn't something consumers
remain loyal to, it's simply handy.
The fad. Everyone's doing or using it
for the novelty. All want to belong to a group. This motivation
applies to products and services that are discretionary
and novel. Prestige, social needs, even fear can factor
into this kind of purchase.
Education. Consumers discover a previously
unknown need or desire by learning about a product or
service. The approach works best for new inventions and
products. Convincing customers they have a need they didn't
know about is difficult. It's easier to achieve with word
of mouth than with advertising.
Obligation. Consumers are compelled to
buy. We don't like paying taxes, but we have to. We don't
like paying the plumber, but he gets our call. Trust is
big in this arena. Insurance agents, lawyers, and other
professionals fall into this category. Consumers won't
buy unless something forces them to.
Added value. A result of competition.
It helps a company prove its product or service is demonstrably
better. Think TV versus combined surround sound plasma
TV/entertainment system. The consumer already spends the
money. The goal is to shift the expenditure. The added
value includes selling, installing, and/or servicing the
Technological advantage. Effective for
companies that serve a narrow band of clients, such as
specialised services for oil rigs. A narrow advantage
can be meaningful in large applications. This sale is
about staying on top of technology and in touch with key
Identity or subgroup. People seek out groups of like-minded
people with similar interests. Health clubs or specialised
travel agencies fall into this category.
Name recognition. Helps customers reach
decisions with limited information. It's the store on
the way to work. Your family buys the product. You heard
about it from a friend. Little thought or analysis goes
into these purchasing decisions. Political campaigns are
an example. Most people vote on extremely limited factors;
extensive knowledge of a candidate is rare. It may be
we recognize a name.
This isn't a complete list. There are
many others, including expensive versus inexpensive; one-time
sale versus recurring sales; perishable versus durable;
tangible versus intangible; personal versus business;
and simple sale versus complex sale.
all the emotional and intellectual reasons that motivate
clients and prospects is imperative. Are you thinking
enough about why people should buy from you?
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