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November Stats 10582 Pageviews from 6076 unique visitors
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December Stats 24413 Pageviews from 9022 unique visitors
December's top directories were -

Site of the Month is Shirley A. Thomas - Artist and they receive a free direct click through and feature image from to their website.

How Twitter Can Help Your Business



    The building blocks of Twitter

    You’ll need to understand the language and terminology used so that you’re able to interact with customers and engage in conversations seamlessly. Here are some definitions to get you started:

    How Twitter Can Help Your Business



    A Tweet is a message posted on Twitter that can contain text, photos, links and videos.



    Click ‘reply’ to respond to anyone’s Tweet. Replying to a Tweet is a way to show you’re listening and provide helpful answers.



    A Retweet is sharing a Tweet from someone else with your followers. Click the Retweet button to share the Tweet as is, or quote the Tweet to add a comment of your own. 



    A like is a simple way to acknowledge a Tweet. It can also be useful to use as a bookmarking tool if you want to easily find a Tweet again. Tap the heart icon to like a Tweet and the author will see that you appreciate it.



    A hashtag is any word, or phrase without spaces, beginning with the # symbol. People use hashtags to organize conversations and make it easier to find all content related to a given topic. Click on a hashtag to go directly to the search results for that term. Hashtagged words that become very popular are often Trending Topics.



    Bring a Tweet to another person’s attention by including their @username in your message. You could use it to ask someone a question, to thank them, or simply to highlight a piece of content.

*Twitter + Research Now “Twitter for Business Study”, 2016

Domain Names For Sale

We have some excellent, pre-registered domain names available now for sale - <click here to view>

*A great way to improve your link popularity which is directly related to your search engine ranking, is to take advantage of our FREE classified advertisement offer. We have "classifieds" on our four town websites SEE BELOW >>>>

They receive an enormous amount of visitors and are extremely well ranked in the top search engines - if you're not there you're missing out !! All you have to do is forward us 25 words about your business - a breeze surely!! Your classified advertisement will be linked to your website and can also have an email link on it if requested.

*This offer is only available for WWW Design clients


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