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Ways to Optimise YouTube Videos


Optimising YouTube VideosAs the leading video search engine, online community and powerful marketing tool - YouTube is far more than just a place to upload your videos. People are visual creatures, and YouTube offers marketers a unique opportunity to drive inbound traffic to a target site via the video medium. Creating video content is often relatively inexpensive and requires little more than time and a good microphone.

Here are some tips to make the most out of your YouTube posts:
The Basics ...

Video Content
Without quality, engaging content your viewers won’t hang around no matter how flashy your production skills. It’s okay to reformat existing material into a video format, but be sure to keep it fresh and relevant. Now is the time to exercise maximum creativity.

Video Quality
Whenever possible, upload in high resolution. We are a pixel-dominated world and if slides/text in your video are too hard to read, (especially on a small device) users won’t bother with it. Your goal is to educate and engage, not carry out an eye examination. Be sure to use a high-quality microphone as well. Static and background noise will draw attention away from your message.

Video Length
Speaking of attention span, in our “too long, didn’t read” society, it is important to hit the video length acceptable spot. The average length of the most popular videos on YouTube is 3 minutes, so strive to keep it between 2-4 minutes per video.

Further Optimisation

Pander to the Algorithm
YouTube is a search engine, so be sure to include the standard metadata as we do with your website. Be sure to format the title, tags, description, etc. with key words and phrases that people searching for your product or service are likely to use when searching. Higher rankings on YouTube mean more views, more ratings, and more push-through traffic to your website.

Account Optimisation
When creating your account/channel which you will post your videos to, use your brand/business name. Take full advantage of the YouTube profile page, and optimise the text, include links and tie in the theme with that of your brand/business image. You could also watermark your videos with a (small) URL or image to further link things together.

Keep It Simple
Viewers will have varying degrees of language-familiarity, free time and laziness. Make it as simple for as many people as possible to get your message. Consider adding captions/subtitles to your videos to assist the hearing-impaired or non-English speakers. (Or people sneaking in some on-the-clock viewing!) Also, include a link back to your site as the first line of the description. It’s then easy to find for viewers who want more information and will display even without clicking on the “more information” option.
Keeping these guidelines in mind won’t guarantee a viral hit, but will go a long ways towards bringing in more views and traffic to your target site. Like any marketing strategy, be sure it is in line with your overall brand message. Also, since a single video isn’t going to deliver your overall brand message, be sure to keep these tips in mind with each video you add to your channel. Uploading content on a regular basis will build your credibility and  help to foster a community around your channel and brand/business.

To get even more benefit from your videos, send us the link to your YouTube video/s and we can embed them into your website for your visitors to experience as well – using YouTube is the most cost effective way to add videos to your website. Visit for an example of an embedded video.

A great way to improve your link popularity which is directly related to your search engine ranking, is to take advantage of our FREE classified advertisement offer. We have "classifieds" on our four town websites


They receive an enormous amount of visitors and are extremely well ranked in the top search engines - if you're not there you're missing out !! All you have to do is forward us 25 words about your business - a breeze surely !! Your classified advertisement will be linked to your website and can also have an email link on it if requested.


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